Friday, May 28, 2010

Mmm... Pizza

Continuing my Epic Quest to Experience More Pizza Awesomeness, I got a Red Baron Fire-Baked Pepperoni pizza at the store this week.  I would have gotten something better like a Red Baron Supreme pizza, but the Giant we shop at regularly downsized the amount of Red Baron stuff they had a while back and enlarged the DiGiorno and Freschetta section instead.  All us Red Baron fans get is regular and fire-baked 4-cheese and pepperoni.

Cooked directly on the rack, there's a puddle of grease on top.  I thought it was just because I was using a pan rather than putting it on the rack, but I guess not.

Also an issue I've always had with Red Baron pepperoni pizzas: I have to rearrange the pepperoni.  It comes as just a random jumbled mess.

Overall, I think I liked the crust texture of the California Pizza Kitchen pizza better.  I also like how it didn't have a huge puddle of grease on it after cooking.  I only tried one variety, but it seemed like there should be some and there wasn't any, so...

Red Baron, thou art dethroned.

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