Wednesday, October 20, 2021

I got back into Guild Wars 1

I don't seem to be alone in this either, through my travels I've seen a number of people saying "haven't played in years, how's this thing work again?" in chat.

It's still mostly desolate, but there are definitely more players online now than there were a few years ago.  Everyone's playing with hero parties from the looks of things, but... whatever.

That said, what the hell am I going to do in a number-of-years-old online RPG that I've already played to death?

Well, to start with, realize that there's still a lot I haven't done.  What follows (after the break) is a list of tasks for my latest gaming project.


Sorrow's Furnace was added to Guild Wars all the way back in 2005.  I've had the quest To Sorrow's Furnace in my Ranger's quest log since it was added.

Today, I finally finished that quest.  Now I can go on to The Final Assault and get him his Black Moa Chick.
Oh yeah, I'm playing Guild Wars again.  I actually started playing again back in 2020, just didn't post anything about it until now.

Edit (later this same day): Well, that was fast.  Finished The Final Assault and got my Black Moa Chick.