Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh hey, wallpapers...

I was just looking at my unsorted directory and noticing I've accumulated a bunch.  Since I'm not actively browsing /w/ anymore, the influx of wallpapers has gone down.  In fact, most of the recent ones were actually from Sankaku Channel, especially the large scans that I just downscaled to 2000 pixels wide so they'd be reasonable internet uploads.  This update is entirely Railgun and K-ON!!, so...  yeah.

Anyway, to business.  "TO BUSINESS!"

I used the Blogger In Draft image thing for this, that's why it looks a bit different from my previous wallpaper updates.  Predictably, I had to edit all of the markup it inserted to allow more than one image on a line (WHAT A CONCEPT) and to add target="_blank".  Also, in true Blogger style, it doesn't have an option for the thumbnail size that using the "Link to this image" feature on Picasaweb gives you, so instead of having four images per line it's three.  Inserting the images was easier, but since there's still editing to be done, I think I'll go back to just copy/pasting the linking markup out of Picasaweb.  This new image thing is yet another typical "one step forward, two steps backwards" "solution".

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