Friday, May 1, 2009

I remembered the site!

...but I'm not re-bookmarking it.

It was C-ville Movies.

I haven't gone to see a movie in a theater since forever.

It's a waste of money and time.

Box office figures only reflect how successful the marketing was, not the overall public's opinion of a movie. When we can get a refund when a movie sucks (i.e. Doom), maybe I'll go back to a theater. Wait, that'll never happen. So, no. Never seeing another movie in a theater ever again unless someone else pays for my admission or I manage to get in for free.

Or, you know, if Hollywood gets some goddamn original content. I'm sick and tired of all these remakes of old movies, comic book movies, video game movies, anime live action adaptations, etc. The MPAA wonders why the industry isn't making as much money, and they take the easy way out and blame piracy. If they produced content worth paying for, maybe people would pay for it. People pirate the shit because they charge too damn much for it.

Also, that's something that irks me (and a few friends of mine). How we're expected to pay for the same thing multiple times. An example: Say you see a movie in theaters. You pay for that. You want to watch it again, but it's not in theaters anymore. You're supposed to buy the DVD (a minimum $30 for most movies). You can catch it on a movie channel on TV, but you have to pay for that too (cable bill). Srsly what the fuck.

I've graduated (maybe not the best word for it) to actually saying "srsly" out loud instead of "seriously". The word "has" makes occasional appearances in my speech where I should really be using the word "have". Fuck the internet.

Someone released a fake K-On! episode 5 that's like 6 minutes long, has ass sound quality, and is dubbed over in english with random stuff. They even copied CoalGuys' opening "karaoke", which I place in quotes because it's hilariously scene-timed, doesn't have any moon runes or romaji, and the subs move around from scene to scene. Doesn't really matter anyway, I've got the ED single.

CAINE had the pre-party party for CAINE house earlier tonight. The 5 of them actually living in the house got the keys and began cleaning it up. The lease goes into effect today, and we're having a party tonight.

Dynasty Warriors Gundam is fun. It takes the classic Dynasty Warriors "place one or two people in an area, give them weapons, and make them kill hordes of people" formula and applies Gundam to it, which works quite well. We were playing it (well, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 to be exact) for most of the pre-party party. It's a great "pass the controllers around the room" game since the controls are pretty simple and the gameplay is easy to get into.

Nothing's happening on the internet right now. I'd go to sleep (and I haven't gotten a lot of sleep the last few nights, so I'm in dire need of a lot of uninterrupted sleep), but I've only been awake 14 hours. Well, I guess that's good enough.


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