Monday, June 25, 2012

I Don't Fucking Know

So, on Wednesday of last week, as we were leaving work, my boss said he'd call me regarding coming in to work on Monday (today).  Since it's a small company, he wants to give another guy more hours so they can get the business side of things done and get us some customers.

Monday has come and is nearly gone and I have yet to receive a phone call.

The only thing I can assume from this is that I don't need to go in.

But at the same time, I keep thinking that he wants me to come in and forgot to call.

It's incredibly confusing to me as an employee when I don't even know when the hell I'm going in to work the next time.  Is a regular work schedule really too much to ask?  I'm at the point where I'm considering taking on a second job, basically so I can have a job at all.

I feel like I'm back at square one on the job hunt.  I kind of got stuck with this job before I even knew what was going on, and I don't really feel qualified for it, to be honest.  However, if I quit, then they'll have to find someone else to be their network admin/sysadmin.  Maybe I shouldn't care, but part of me will still care, no matter how small that part actually is.

I think I'll just start asking for job applications everywhere I go.  If places even still do paper applications.  I've never trusted the online ones because I've never heard back from anywhere I've ever submitted an online application to.  They can basically just disregard any applicant at any time without contact, because there's been no real-life contact.

A friend of mine is in a similar situation.  Maybe I should apply to the same places he's applied to, just because it'd be nice to have someone I know at a job, someone I don't have to feel awkward around.

In before I end up working fast food or something.

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