Friday, August 13, 2010

Greasemonkey Blogger Navbar tweaks

So, I took it into my own hands to add some links to the navbar that Blogger hasn't yet.

It turns out that they do in fact have a Dashboard link on the navbar, but it's mystery meat.  See that B logo in the top left corner?  Yeah, that's it.  Even worse, the tooltip that comes up to explain it says "Go to" instead of "Dashboard".  Could that BE any less descriptive?

Now my navbar has both a clearly labelled Dashboard link, and a link to the new Spam inbox so I can easily review any comments marked as spam.  Also, that lets me access the comment moderation, which in Blogger's infinite wisdom has to be ON for the spam inbox to be accessible.

The script detects whether you have Blogger in Draft enabled and modifies its links accordingly.  Really only one link needs to be modified, because the Dashboard link is relative and their server figures it out automagically.  It actually says when I mouse over it, but when I click it, I get the Blogger in Draft dashboard.

I guess I should host the script somewhere so anyone else who wants it can have it.  There's nothing in it that makes it blog-specific, I've tested it on both of my blogs (even though I don't use Random Bullshit anymore, I don't seem to be able to import its posts here and remove it...)

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I moderate comments because when Blogger originally implemented a spam filter it wouldn't work without comment moderation enabled. So if your comment doesn't show up right away, that would be why.