Saturday, March 28, 2009

lol Rhythm FC

Doesn't really count for anything, but I just FCed Go That Far on Rhythm. It kinda sucks that you have to play it in practice mode, you don't get star power, etc. I'm sitting here with the practice mode screen saying "100% notes hit", "389 out of 389 notes", and "streak: 389". Practice mode keeps track of your score but it doesn't show it on the menu screen and I forgot what it was already.

The only place I ever screw up in the Rhythm part is right at the end of Bridge 2 Solo, the chord transition from RYO to GY. You thought it was going to be the 4 note chords that comprise the first 16 notes of Bridge 2 Solo, didn't you? lol.

Anyone with the PS2 version of GH3 that lives anywhere near me want to go for a co-op FC?

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