Friday, February 6, 2009

So, I'm watching Akikan!...

I keep unintentionally turning more people on to Akikan!. All I do is simply describe what's going on in it and without a doubt, someone within earshot goes "wait, what?". Every single time.

So, what is Akikan! anyway? Akikan! is about a war between the steel drink cans and the aluminum drink cans over which will be the national standard. There's exactly one Akikan of each type of soda. When the unsuspecting person begins to drink the can that's actually the Akikan, it turns into a girl. Of course, when this happens they end up kissing (because, naturally, can opening = mouth). Akikan can be distinguished by the can tab earring they wear, steel cans wear it on one ear while aluminum cans wear it on the other. I forget which is which at the moment. Pulling on this tab reverts the Akikan back to can form. Each Akikan has attacks themed around what type of soda they are.


5 episodes are out right now, but Episode 5 ends on a cliffhanger, so if you've been following the series and haven't watched it yet you may want to wait for episode 6 to come out.

Edit: OK, what the fuck. I've now gotten the same exact score on a Generation Rock FC twice. 279914. Can I has 280k plz? I think it's my second activation, that's the only one that should be squozen I'm not getting the back end squeeze on.

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