Friday, August 29, 2008

The party has started

UVa's Comics and Animation club, better known to its members as CAINE, had its first meeting last night. Turnout was awesome, given that it rained all the night before and all day Thursday, thus preventing us (or any other club, for that matter) from going around placing chalk ads on sidewalks. If we keep even 25% of the brand new people that showed up, it'll be a success.

We had what we thought was a good idea: have a pre-meeting for all the veterans (or as our danchou put it, "oldtypes" (he likes Gundam. A lot.)) so we could get all of the "OMG KANOKON" and random 4chan shit out of our respective systems before the meeting. What it instead did was just rile us up, so the first few minutes of the actual meeting were rough but we ended up calming down.

The reason for that was this year's goal: not to have someone ask "are you guys all /b/tards?" in the first 5 minutes of the first meeting, and to not have hentai mentioned or shown. I think in that respect it worked pretty well, though L had to go and shout "Kamina dies!" when we were talking about Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann. He somehow stopped himself from delivering Death Note spoilers though.

Overall, looks like it's going to be a good year for CAINE. We got many dues-paying members, and sold a bunch of our brand new t-shirts.

As a followup to my previous post, I got a new earpiece for my glasses. So now neither of my earpieces actually match the frames. I don't care, I can see and my glasses aren't uncomfortable, that's all that matters.

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