Saturday, August 23, 2008

My glasses broke :(

I've already had the left earpiece and both nose pads replaced, and now the right earpiece breaks. I'm going to go to the optometrist later on today to get a new one. But for now I have the earpiece taped back on. I feel so stereotypical.

Also, I should probably look into getting new frames and updating my prescription so those new frames will be useful. They keep telling me after eye exams "Your vision has gotten a little worse, but not enough for a new prescription." I figure if that's cumulative, I need a new prescription by now. The only problem with that is I have a hard time finding a pair of frames in the range designated "Men's" that isn't extremely effeminate. Honestly, what do the people making those things think, that all men are gay? Seriously.

Nothing against gay people, but still, I don't want frames with designs and bullshit. Just some metal to go over my ears with shitty rubber-ish plastic nosepads and some screws to hold the lenses in so I can see. Also if you could make a pair of frames whose earpieces won't break off after a few years' use, that would be awesome. You charge $100-$150 for about $0.05 worth of metal, the least you could do is make it durable.

Even with my shitty scotch tape fix, these glasses don't feel right anymore. The right lens is way too close to my face, and likewise, the left lens is too far away. Through some miracle of image processing on the part of my brain, I can still see, but... My ears feel weird.

Also if some company could make some contact lenses that let enough oxygen through to my eyes that I can wear them, that would be fucking sweet. At first I had regular soft lenses. For five years. Then suddenly one day they started making my eyes red and itchy as soon as I put them in. So I went to the eye doctor and he set me up with these 30 day disposable lenses that are thinner and let more oxygen through. Those worked great for another couple of years and then started doing the same thing. On the few occasions that we actually wear armor when sparring in kendo, I'd like to be able to see through the damn mask. My focal point without glasses is about three inches in front of my eyes, and the mask is pretty much all I can see.

And I'm too poor for laser surgery.

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