Friday, September 21, 2018

Octopath Traveler: Data Gathering Session 2

...aaaaaand done.  That felt like it took forever, but I really just needed to establish an optimized workflow.  Once I got things rolling it wasn't really so bad.

However, in the process of trying to set up the spreadsheet to be shared, I learned a lot about the shortcomings of Google Sheets.
  1. Rather than selecting "Publish to the web...", you have to select "Share...".  Why aren't these two options under the same menu selection?
  2. Filters are awesome, but don't get shared along with the spreadsheet.
  3. The green color used in many places to indicate that filters are present still propagates through to the shared spreadsheet, though.
  4. If I have the spreadsheet open, and filter it, it becomes filtered for anyone who's viewing it.  lolwut?
  5. The sorting options in each column's filter menu have to be undone by the standard editing Undo action.  There's no "revert to unsorted state" option.
If you want to use this spreadsheet, you'll have to go to Data → Filter views... and make a new temporary filter view.  Only then will you be able to filter and sort it to find what you're looking for.  This kinda sucks, but there's no other option.

Also, I've enabled comments on the spreadsheet.  Hopefully, if I've missed anything, have a typo somewhere, or some equipment stat anomaly has gotten past the sanity checks I did as I entered information, people can comment and let me know.  Keep in mind that it's not complete yet, as I still need to Inquire/Scrutinize in a few towns to get access to the full inventories of their shops.  I'm also filling in recovery amounts for various consumable items since the game doesn't see fit to tell you what they are, and that process isn't complete yet.

Here's the link to the spreadsheet.  This is a separate, static view of the one I'm working on, without any of the formulas or the sheets that just serve as lookup tables and sets of data for data verification rules.  Lacking all that stuff, it should load a lot faster.  Enjoy!

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I moderate comments because when Blogger originally implemented a spam filter it wouldn't work without comment moderation enabled. So if your comment doesn't show up right away, that would be why.