Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Twitter Bullshit

Well, Twitter officially retired v1 of their API today.  What does this mean for me?

It means that the Twitter client I've been using since switching away from the aging Adobe Air version of TweetDeck, the ever-interesting python/libwebkit client Hotot, stopped working because there hasn't been a public Windows release since the version I downloaded initially, even though the project has development from earlier this year.  I really don't know what a good Windows Twitter client is, everything I find is either mobile-only or no longer in active development.  I've had thoughts of writing my own for a while now, but I tend to balk on large development projects.

It also means that the Twitter widget I've been using on this blog broke.  That's more easily fixable.  In fact, I've already fixed it.  It looks a bit different and is way less configurable, but it's what we're stuck with unless I want to write my own.  Which I don't.

Edit: Twitter F5 re-enable script (weighs in at 58 characters):
Edit 2: Like most things, this doesn't work in Opera.  Even with "Enable User Javascript on HTTPS" turned on, it still refuses to even load the script.  If you use Opera, you suck.

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