Sunday, October 23, 2022

Chrono Trigger notes revisions

So recently, I did another level 99/Tab grind, for some reason on the Chrono Trigger Devolution romhack.

During that, I realized that some of the notes I've made here (as well as some I haven't posted here) were either incorrect, incomplete, or otherwise in need of updating.  This post will by no means be comprehensive, but it will contain the ones I can explain concisely.

Level 99 Spekkio strategy

For the longest time, my strategy for beating him immediately after getting to the End of Time involved using Gold Studs as my accessories.  As it turns out, PrismSpecs are a lot faster.  How much faster?  How about "Spekkio doesn't get the chance to use Hallation" faster?

Azala/BlackTyrano strategy

My party for this fight is my not-so-new standby, Crono/Ayla/Robo.  I had been using Volt Bite on Azala, which works, but takes forever.  Simple is better; just use Luminaire lol.

65 million BC Forest Maze Tech Point grinding

I believe I covered the Gold Eaglet behavior of transforming into a Red Eaglet if not dead after two hits, carrying over the HP.  What I didn't realize at the time is that hitting a Gold Eaglet with Fire damage instantly causes the transformation (if it survives the hit), and also resets the Eaglet in question back to full health.

The Bestiary in the Extras Mode on the DS version also mentions that a Red Eaglet can transform back into a Gold Eaglet; I have yet to see this happen.  I suspect it might only happen if it takes Lightning damage, but I haven't confirmed this.  I don't exactly have sources of either type of damage that aren't one-hit KOs to test with at the moment, though.

Also, the fight with the Kilwalas that has three of them when going through in one direction and two of them in the other direction seems to use the order of your fights to decide how many Kilwalas it has.  I haven't done much testing beyond the initial discovery, but manipulating the fight to always have three probably takes more time than it's worth.

If I failed horribly on formatting above, it's because I'm typing this on my phone, and the internet experience on a phone is total garbage tier.  My computer has a dead cooling fan and I'm procrastinating fixing it.

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