Monday, September 11, 2017

I don't get the point of smartphones

So, I've had a smartphone for over a year now.  I've gotten pretty darn used to it.  Thankfully, though, I haven't become one of those people that has their phone grafted to their hand.  You know the type; whenever they arrive somewhere and sit down, out comes the phone.  Whenever they get in the car and drive somewhere, out comes the phone.  Whenever they're in line to make a purchase at a store, out comes the phone.  While they're making the purchase, the phone stays out.  I could go on, but you get the point.

I've gotten a bunch of different applications installed for various purposes, whether they be games or things that do useful stuff like scanning QR codes and whatnot.  So, why don't I get the point of smartphones?

Well, the screens are tiny.  Yes, I know, they make larger smartphones.  Those screens are still tiny.  The small size of the screen combined with the large size of the pointing object (the human finger) means that the user interface design suffers as a result.

I feel like anything a smartphone can do, other than being a phone, a tablet or a laptop/desktop computer can do far better.  Tablets are basically just really big phones but without the ability to make calls, though with built-in microphones and VOIP applications one could communicate with others using their voice via a tablet anyway.  Having a bigger screen, there's more room for a user interface to exist.

I almost want to go back to a flip phone, but not quite.  Flip phones typically suck in terms of how customizable they are.  But man, are they ever built for purpose.  Smartphones, on the other hand, aren't really built for purpose.  The whole "phone" capability is just another application that gets lost in the sea of applications one typically installs shortly after obtaining a smartphone.

Case in point: in over a year of owning a smartphone, I have 17 minutes and 21 seconds of total call time.  My outgoing calls consume 13 minutes and 7 seconds of that, leaving the remaining 4 minutes and 14 seconds for incoming calls.  I have no clue why my outgoing calls last three times longer than my incoming calls, on average.

Moral of the story: I should just get a tablet and transfer 99% of the applications I use over to that.

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