Then yesterday, I found out for the very first time that apparently it had been planned to have a birthday celebration for one of our friends at a local alcohol-serving establishment. Today. A Friday. When it would be crowded as fuck. I would be needed to drive people. The other person who has a car and can drive people wants nothing to do with it, because of a couple reasons, for which he was branded as a douchebag and that assigned as the reason.
So let me get this straight. A birthday event has been planned for some time now that I'm just finding out that I'll have to drive people to less than 24 hours before it happens? And if I say no I'll be branded a douchebag regardless of my reasoning? Fuck that.
Friday is game night. It's supposed to be fun. I don't really find sitting in a cramped, presumably smelly bar on a Friday evening fun.
My friend's reasoning:
- He doesn't want to be in a cramped, presumably smelly bar on a Friday evening.
- The person celebrating their birthday is in fact his ex-girlfriend.
- Same thing about not wanting to be in a cramped, presumably smelly bar on a Friday evening.
- Being told of an apparent obligation to drive people to an event that had been planned for a while less than 24 hours before having to drive people there.
- The sheer amount of talking behind my friend's back about him after the fact. This happens all the time anyway, about pretty much everyone. I can only presume that shit's being talked about regarding me behind my back as well. To attribute this to a reason, I give one simple word: females.
- Since when does anyone ever pay me back for gas these days.
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